British Dragon Steroids (41 Offers)

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US Domestic & International
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Stanozolol
Manufacturer: British Dragon, Thailand
Unit: 1 vial (10 mL / 50 mg)
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US Domestic & International
Ultrabol Forte 275
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active Substances:
- Drostanolone Propionate 100 mg/mL
- Testosterone Propionate 100 mg/mL
- Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg/mL
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 10 mL Vial (275 mg/mL)
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US Domestic & International
Methanabol 50 mg Tablets
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: British Dragon
Unit: 50 pills (50 mg/pill)
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US Domestic & International
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Oral Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Oxandrolone
Manufacturer: British Dragon, Thailand
Unit: 100 pills (10 mg/pill)
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US Domestic & International
T3 Tablets
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Thyroid Hormone
Active Substance: Liothyronine Sodium
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 50 pills (25 mcg/pill)
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US Domestic & International
Sildabol Tablets
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
PDE5 Inhibitor
Active Substance: Sildenafil Citrate
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 20 pills (100 mg/pill)
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US Domestic & International
Taldabol Tablets
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
PDE5 Inhibitor
Active Substance: Tadalafil Citrate
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 20 pills (20 mg/pill)
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Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Nandrolone Undecanoate
Manufacturer: British Dragon, Thailand
Unit: 1 vial (10 mL / 200 mg)
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Primobol Tablets
Oral Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Methenolone Acetate
Manufacturer: British Dragon, Thailand
Unit: 100 pills (50 mg/pill)
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