Synthetic Anabolic Steroidal Agent
Active Substance: Oxandrolone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 100 pills (10 mg/pill)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Oral Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Methandrostenolone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 100 pills (20 mg/pill)
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Synthetic Anabolic Steroidal Agent
Active Substance: Stanozolol
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 100 pills (10 mg/pill)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active substance: Nandrolone Decanoate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (300 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active substances:
- Testosterone Acetate 20 mg/mL
- Testosterone Propionate 30 mg/mL
- Testosterone PhenylPropionate 60 mg/mL
- Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mg/mL
- Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (270 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active Substance: Oxymetholone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 10 mL Vial (50 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 10 mL vial (400 mg/mL)
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 400 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active substance: Trenbolone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (200 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Growth Hormone Analog
Active Substance: Somatropin (r-hGH)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 1 kit [10 Vials] (10 IU/vial)
Form: Powder
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Natural Hormone
Active Substance: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 2 mL Vial (5000 IUs/vial)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Human Peptide Hormone
Active Substance: Semaglutide
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 2 mL Vial (5 mg/mL)
Form: Powder
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Human Peptide Hormone
Active Substance: Tirzepatide
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 2 mL Vial (5 mg/vial)
Form: Powder
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result
Welcome to Legal Anabolic Steroids Online!
Our mission is to assist people involved in bodybuilding process and all those who want to reach the physical perfection, by offering a range of genuine and high quality oral and injectable steroids, anti-estrogens, weight loss drugs and sexual enhancers, to create a climate of reciprocal trust and respect with the bodybuilding and athletes' community. All those who are prepared and willing to order steroids online and use them as a part of their daily muscle building routine, Anabolic-Steroids.biz is the ultimate and essential resource to find legit, top class anabolics, manufactured by famous European pharmaceutical companies.
All the products we have to offer are made of authentic, high quality compounds and have a single goal: to help people gain muscular mass, overall strength, to burn fat and assist them on the path to physical perfection. In order to create a constructive and civilized connection with our customers, we will make maximum efforts to assure a high-quality service and will approach every person that address our store with courtesy and respect.
News from Anabolic-Steroids.biz

Discover our redesigned web store with a fresh new look and improved features. Enjoy faster shipping, updated inventory with new brands, and the same trusted service you rely on for legit steroids.
Legit Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilding
For those who prepared to use and anabolic steroids as an step in achieving muscle building goals, our store comes as a support to make the purchasing procedure more comfortable and secure. To meet your expectations we established an all-time available support team, ready to answer all you questions. Standard comfortable ordering and payment procedure are followed by a fast response on our part, as we take the responsibility to assure that all products containing packages are shipped in a reliable way to ensure maximum discretion and successful delivery. A wide variety of cheap steroids are always in stock to maintain the customers' needs to be permanently supplied with the products necessary for bodybuilding cycles or post cycle therapy.
The special status that anabolic steroids have on the territory of the United States, make their purchase and use more difficult. All the obstacles in buying genuine products and medications in America can be solved by finding a suitable and convenient online resource that would become a permanent, reliable supplier for bodybuilders and people involved in the workout process. For this purpose we sell only genuine steroids containing ingredients that are well established dietary supplements and contain no illegal or banned substances. Another important issue that we take into account while selling anabolic steroids online is the guarantee of total confidentiality and non-disclosure for any personal information of our customers. To ensure all these factors we have chosen to work in close cooperation only with widely known, trustworthy and legal companies like Dragon Pharma, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, British Dragon, Axiolabs and other suppliers with experience and traditions in manufacturing medications of various uses. Well known among bodybuilding community, these companies already established a positive reputation and through the years developed and improved their manufacturing process of anabolic steroids, sexual enhancers and weight loss drugs.
Commonly used products like Testosterone in most of their forms, Deca-Durabolin, Anadrol, Dianabol, Stanozolol, Tamoxifen, Clomid and many others essential anabolics and anti-estrogens are available to be delivered to the US territory at any time. With us your quest for physical excellence will become easier and more efficient.
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Discover how semaglutide supports fat loss during cutting cycles by managing appetite, promoting weight reduction, and preserving muscle mass. Learn about its benefits and proper use.