Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active Substances:
- Drostanolone Propionate 50 mg/mL
- Testosterone Propionate 50 mg/mL
- Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (150 mg/mL)
Masteron, Mastabol, Mast, Masto, Testoviron, Testovis, Viromone, Test Prop, Prop, TrenaJect, Trenbol, Trenacet, Trenabol, Tren, Tren Acne, Fina, Para.
Transparent oily solution of light yellow or yellow color, containing a characteristic odor.
1 mL of solution contains:
Active substances: Testosterone Propionate 50 mg, Drostanolone Propionate 50 mg, Trenbolone Acetate 50 mg
A combination of three essential anabolic steroids: Drostanolone Propionate is powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid used as a bulking and cutting agent that combats estrogenic side effects like water-retention, Trenbolone acetate is a potent androgen that produces very strong anabolic activity and is used to build-up muscle mass and strength in a short amount of time and Testosterone Propionate - a shortest-estered efficient testosterone product.
The combination is mainly recommended for bodybuilding puposes, however can be used in the medical treatment of several conditions correspondingly to each compound.
150-450 mg per day
Not recommended
2-3 days
Oily skin, acne, increased aggression and body/facial hair growth, pattern male baldness, high blood pressure, blood clotting, increased production of the sebaceous gland, headaches and sexual overstimulation. The usage of this compound by women is not recommended, or allowed in very small dosage to the masculinity effects.
Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate or breast carcinoma, prostate hyperplasia symptoms, nephrosis, edema, hypercalcemia, liver function disorders, diabetes, heart failure or coronary myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis in elderly men.Not to be used by teenagers to avoid premature cessation of growth and puberty.
There are no registered cases of overdosage.
Containing three of the basic compounds for a basic muscle building cycle it is usually stacked with antiestrogen medications like Proviroxyl, Anastrozol or Nolvadex.
10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)
To be store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.
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Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active Substance: Drostanolone Propionate
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Unit: 10 mL Vial (100 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result
Shipped Without Label!
Mar 10, 2017 (11:58)
I wrapped up this cycle a little over three weeks ago, and I was very impressed with the quality. I started at .8ml EOD, after two weeks upped it to a full ML EOD. PIP - There is something to be said here about the PIP for sure. There was very little, only on occasion which is good for me because I am pretty sensitive when it comes to PIP. usually prop gives me some PIP, but this product was so smooth I didn't even notice. Aggression - tren aggression was there, but it wasn't too bad. I have gotten pretty good at controlling the rage, and being I'm a mild mannered guy to begin with, it's easy enough. I did catch myself getting short with some clients and my wife on occasion, but altogether manageable. Strength - I definitely saw a big strength increase. I'd say 10-15% on most lifts, legs went up even more. I don't lift extremely heavy, so this boost kept me at the three set, ten rep range at new PR levels. I felt great the whole time, start to finish. Gains - I put about 8 pounds of solid, lean muscle on in roughly 9 weeks, and the tren definitely tore the fat right out of my midsection. This was my first time using mast, and I could see the hardness and density in all my muscles. I like the mast a lot and plan on usin it again in the future. The test had me feeling like a sexual predator, taking my wife to bed every chance I got as well. Negatives - The downside was the tren sides, which I used pharma caber to combat. It worked to a degree, but the tren is very potent. By sides, I mean a big time shortness of breath, so no cardio this whole run. Also, I got a VICIOUS tren cough nearly every other pin. This isn't a bad thing, but it does suck when I am on the bathroom floor, face red as a tomato. I can say the trensomnia was non existent, and my appetite was only mildly suppressed. Some tren makes food impossible to put down, but this could have been from the caber helping also. Overall - The few negatives are CLEARLY common risks that we all take when running tren, and they were very mild, but in the spirit of a fair review, I felt obliged to list them. This cut mix came recommended by a user on here, and I'm glad I listened. I thought the blend felt well put together, enough test and enough tren where I didn't need to supplement either to make the dose feel right. Anabolic-Steroids is a good source, and I like that they aren't "main stream", so when I need an order I know it's coming fast. 10/10 on quality as well.