Testolab-E 250
7Lab Pharma Steroids

Testolab-E 250

Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharma
Unit: 10 mL Vial (250 mg/mL)

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Testolab-E 250 Detailed

Common Names

Androfil, Enantat, Testoxyl, Cidoteston, Testro LA, Menocare, Test E, Testobolin, TestaPlex E, Testostroval, Durathate, Cidotestone, Asset-250, Nuvir, Andro LA, Androne 100, Testobilin, Testoviron, Testosterona, Enantrex, Testabol, Pharma Test E, Testrin, Enantbolic, Testodex, Delatestryl, Enanthate, Androne 250, Testonova, Andropository, Testofort, Everone.

Drug Description

Testolab-E 250 is the drug on the basis of which is Testosterone Enanthate. Stimulates the increased production of Testosterone in the blood and is an analog to it by strength and activity. It earned the confidence in many circles of athletes, showed excellent results in the building of muscle masses.

Testolab-E 250 Composition

Each 1 mL contains:
Active substance: Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg

Bodybuilding Benefits

- Acceleration of protein synthesis.
- Rapid build-up of muscle mass.
- Strength improvement.
- Strengthening the expression of secondary sexual characteristics in men (lowering the voice, improving the development of the facial hair).
- Improved sperm production.
- Increased sexual activity.
- Elimination of problems with joints.
- Improved regeneration.
- Improvement of well-being and tone.
- Improves the production of red blood cells.

Therapeutic Indication

Used by people in different weight category, both in big sports, and by ordinary people in gyms. This steroid is used to increase the athlete's muscle mass, strength, and endurance. The main sport for this steroid is bodybuilding.

Dosage (Men)

50-200 mg/week.

Dosage (Women)

Not recommended.

Active Life

15-16 Days.

Testolab-E 250 Side Effects

Side effects occur in every chemical, be it steroids or drugs. In this case, you can observe such sides as: gynecomastia, fat deposition in women, high blood pressure, headaches, a violation of the development of body's own testosterone. This preparation has aromatization. The use of aromatase inhibitors is required to reduce the risk of side effects, for example, buy Anastrozole.

Testolab-E 250 Contraindications/Precautionary Measures

Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate or breast carcinoma, prostate hyperplasia symptoms, nephrosis, edema, hypercalcemia, liver function disorders, diabetes, heart failure or coronary myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis in elderly men, pregnancy and lactation. Adolescents should use it caution to avoid premature cessation of growth and puberty.


In case of acute overdose toxicity is low. In case of chronic overdose is possible to develop priapism.

Testolab-E 250 Stack/Cycle

For each athlete, an individual dosage of the drug is selected, since it all depends on the desired result, health status and physical data. On average, it is taken 250-500 mg 1 time per week. Courses last about 6-8 weeks.

For more effective use, this drug is combined with other steroids. For example, for a more effective growth of muscle mass, it can be uses with Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Methandrostenolone, and to create a qualitative definition of muscles, with Winstrol or Anavar. At such courses it is necessary to consider how correctly to eat.

Package Presentation

10 mL Vial.


To be store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.

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