Metaboline, Metandiabol, Metanabol, Methafurin, Methacaps, Anabol, Methanabol, Methandrostenolone, Dianabolic, Lanabolin, Dianoxyl, Methanodex, Danabol, Dianabol, Stenolon, Andoredan, Metastenol, Metandienone, Pronabol, Nerobol, Methanoplex, Danabol DS, Metabolina, Dbol, Dbirol, Restauvit, Dianabolos, Nabolin, GP Methan, Encephan, Trinergic, D-bol, Naposim, Perbolin, Methandienone, Nerobil.
1 pill contains:
Active substance: Methandienone 50 mg
20 mg/day
3.2-4.5 Hours
50 pills .
To be store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.
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Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Methandrostanolone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 100 pills (50 mg/pill)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result
Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active Substance: Methandienone
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Unit: 100 pills (50 mg/pill)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result
Shipped Without Label!