Dianabol 20 mg Dianabol 20 mg Dianabol 20 mg
Dragon Pharma Steroids

Dianabol 20 mg

52.00 USD

Oral Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Methandrostenolone
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 100 pills (20 mg/pill)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

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U.S. Domestic

Dianabol 20 mg Detailed

Laboratory Test Result

dianabol 20 laboratory test

Common Names

Danabol, Dianabol, D-bol, dbol, Dianoxyl, Methanodex, Anabol, GP Methan, Methacaps, Methanabol, Methanoplex, Methandienone, Dianabolic, Naposim, Dbirol, Dianabolos.

Drug Description

Pink round-shaped pills with compact and homogeneous structure.

Dianabol Composition

1 pill contains:
Active substance: Methandrostenolone 20 mg

Bodybuilding Benefits

This is a powerful anabolic and androgenic compound used by athletes worldwide to augment the size of the muscular mass in short period of time. It supports the formation of proteins in human body, increases the bones strength and posses a slight fat burning effect. Dianabol has the ability to retain water and offers a positive calcium balance in bones. The drug also has a low aromatase activity.

Therapeutic Indication

It is used in medicine for the treatment of protein synthesis disorders, cachexia symptoms, healing of trauma, burns, renal insufficiency, toxic goiter, muscular dystrophy and osteoporosis. Dianabol is also efficient as a pre-and postoperative remedy in case of infectious diseases.

Dosage (Men)

25-50 mg per day.

Dosage (Women)

Not recommended.

Active Life

6-8 hours.

Dianabol Side Effects

Strong virilization effects (baldness, bouts of skin and body/facial hair growth), water retention related processes, acne vulgaris on the neck, chest, back, or shoulders in cases when sebaceous gland function is stimulated, mood swings, oily skin and liver disturbances.

Dianabol Contraindications/Precautionary Measures

Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the medication, severe atherosclerosis, hepatic and renal function, acute and chronic prostatitis, prostate cancer, breast cancer in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia, pregnancy and lactation.May cause strong virilization effects such as deepening of the voice, facial or body hair growth, acne. It is recommended to monitor the levels and conditions of lipidemia and cholesterol during the use of the compound.


There are no registered cases of overdosage.

Dianabol Stack/Cycle

Usual length of the cycle - about 6-8 weeks. To stimulate muscle building process it is stacked with Duraxyl 100 and Enantat 250 as well as Stanoxyl and Oxandrolone compounds, to avoid water retention and with antiestrogen medications like Proviron, Anastrozol or Nolvadex.

Package Presentation

20 mg pills.


To be store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.

Dianabol Referrers

Dianabol 20 mg Reviews
Sep 7, 2024 (09:58)

Ran a few of these dbol on a cycle. just WOW. loved every min of it. pumps were unreal like 5 mins into warmup sets, but also got shin pumps just walking to classes between the quad. Will run arimidex next time I run these which I plan to on my upcoming cycle.

Aug 31, 2024 (15:35)

Love this Dbol, the best I've tested until now! But it becomes very hard to find legit ones!

Jul 31, 2020 (12:22)

Holy shit it works, I went from 131 to 163 in a month and a half. This shit is crazy. Retained a bit of water but not much.

Dec 17, 2018 (12:44)

When is available in stock again ?

Aug 10, 2018 (23:25)

When you guys having back in stock

Feb 8, 2018 (23:24)


Dec 27, 2017 (17:12)

finnish my first cycle an the d, well im impressed im new with this an still tryn to figure out my bodys best gains, i did use some stanzo's at the end of my cycle and my arms an chest are chiseled, this stuff def works when its mixed correclty, no side effects worth mentioning except, first few weeks i was pooping funny but when my body got use to it stamina strength, an overall looks were very noticeable, i had people asking me was i juicing, just simply smiled an said whats that.. if your a beginner def det dianabol and stack with whinneys at the end an you will be happy you did, veins popping out every were. i will wright another report on my next cycle. STAY STRONG

Nov 6, 2017 (18:49)

When will they be back in stock??

Oct 26, 2017 (14:55)

new to this so getting advice an still doing research but companie is legit, i ordered oct1 came in the mail, oct 23, shipping takes a lil time but ,i did receive my order,will def by more, any good advice to stack this with for gains, owe i feel no side effects, my confidence has went threw the roof an chics cant stop starring at my arms,

Oct 5, 2017 (19:44)

I just made my second order the other day. This company is legit. I'm in the US and didn't have a problem. I've been ripped off by other online companies. The gear I got from them is great and this company is reputable. I never write reviews but I'm so happy with this place I swore I would. If everything worked out.

Aug 28, 2017 (09:45)

Can this be shipped to California

Aug 1, 2017 (19:56)

Has anyone in USA order any yet

Jul 24, 2017 (01:04)

First timer here, used numerous prohormone cycles. Looking to bulk. Recommendations?

Mar 14, 2017 (18:16)

I took the Dbol 3 x a day, for a month, at a 15mg tab in the morning, a 15mg tab mid day, and a 15mg tab before bedtime. I thought this stuff worked great with the Test Prop I was running with it. My strength went through the roof. I cant think of an exercise that didn't go up in weight, while was running the Dbol. All of the reviews I read about Dbol had been confirmed. I felt like a beast, mentally and physically. I had some nice size and strength gains for the month long run. My mood felt improved and I confidently walked around with a positive attitude.

Mar 9, 2017 (10:52)

Product quality is great. The tablets are well made and do the trick. I have been using anywhere from 20-40mg pre-workout for the past few weeks and the results have been up to par. Pumps and strength are excellent.

Mar 5, 2017 (07:10)

Started feeling the dbol about a week or so in. Strength gradually increasing and mass increasing week by week. Little side effects so far.

Feb 23, 2017 (11:08)

I used 30mg ed for 4 weeks. I gained 16lbs. I went from 215Lb to 231Lb. Bench went up from 225lb to 275lb. I have used other dbol from other sources and the quality is consistent with other brands.

Jan 13, 2017 (10:47)

fire...at least it was last time i used it...been a couple years. but it was bomb back in the day, and yes man, they do ship to San Francisco, shipping is worldwide.

Dec 11, 2016 (22:06)

Do you ship to USA (SanFrancisco California)?

Dec 1, 2016 (10:04)

i love dragon pharma's dbol. me and my friend bought together 2 sets of 100 tabs and we both were very happy with the quality.

Nov 9, 2016 (10:09)

The best Dbol tabs ever used. A+++

Oct 18, 2016 (10:30)

Love these.... way stronger than 10mg of dianoxyl by far!!!

Oct 4, 2016 (09:28)

I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.

Sep 22, 2016 (09:11)

ive started one cycle with these about 2yrs ago and had good results. i retained quite a bit of water but my strength gains were awesome. i would buy these again.

Sep 5, 2016 (11:06)

It has great effect for my gains, but also a lot of sides like water and aggressiveness in me. But i probably have to deal with this, because i feel the product is good and i will reach to the expected result. I use it with Sustanon in my cycle, but soon will take some antiestrogens, before i kill someone

Jun 23, 2016 (13:35)

15 Days in its working like a charm. First week was headaches with slight strength gain. Up 3 pounds. Week 2 gained like 5 pounds no more headaches but super strength. Now my test e should be kicking in anytime

Mar 11, 2015 (15:40)

I have ordered some products ( dbol/deca/test e) from dragon pharma and am going in to my 5th week of my cycle. Was a little hesitant at first to order but glad I did, communication about my order was great and showed up at my place in 8 days.

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