Enantat 250 Enantat 250 Enantat 250 Enantat 250 Enantat 250
Dragon Pharma Steroids

Enantat 250

85.00 USD

Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Unit: 10 mL vial (250 mg/mL)
Laboratory Tested: View Lab Result

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Enantat 250 Detailed

Laboratory Test Result

enantat 250 laboratory test

Common Names:

Testoxyl, Testosterona, Testodex, Enantat, Testoviron, Cidotestone, Testobilin, Enanthate, Test E, TestaPlex E, Enantrex, Enantbolic, Testofort, Testonova, Androfil, Nuvir, Asset-250, Menocare, Delatestryl, Cidoteston, Testobolin, Testabol

Drug Description

Transparent oily solution of light yellow color, containing a characteristic odor.

Enantat 250 Composition

1 mL of solution contains:
Active substance: Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg

Bodybuilding Benefits

Testosterone with enanthate ester with strong androgenic and anabolic properties. The compound offers large gains in muscle size, body strength, stamina, and performance and sex drive. The compound improves the levels of red blood cell production promotes the increase nitrogen retention in the muscle.

Therapeutic Indication

Is used in medicine as an efficient medication in hormone replacement therapy in disorders caused by testosterone deficiency. Is also important in the treatment of undeveloped genitals symptoms, impotence at hormonal origin, symptoms of male climax, after castration syndrome, osteoporosis due to androgen insufficiency.

Dosage (Men)

250-1000 mg per week

Dosage (Women)

Not recommended or to be used in very low doses

Active Life

10 days

Enantat 250 Side Effects

Increased serum cholesterol, irregular menstrual cycles, painful penile erections, vomiting, nausea, increased blood pressure, and aggressiveness and virilization effects among women such as deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. It is relatively toxic for liver, only when taken in extremely high dosage.

Enantat 250 Contraindications/Precautionary Measures

Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate or breast carcinoma, prostate hyperplasia symptoms, nephrosis, edema, hypercalcemia, liver function disorders, diabetes, heart failure or coronary myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis in elderly men, pregnancy and lactation. Adolescents should use it caution to avoid premature cessation of growth and puberty.


In case of acute overdose toxicity is low. In case of chronic overdose is possible to develop priapism.

Enantat 250 Stack/Cycle

Cycle lenght:10-16 weeks. The drug is typically stacked with anabolic steroids as Anavar, Clenbuterol, Dianabol, Nandrolona F, Boldaxyl and Primobol. As part of Post Cycle Therapy such antiestrogens as Clomed, Anastrozol, or Nolvaxyl may be required.

Package Presentation

10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)


To be store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.

Enantat 250 Referrers

Enantat 250 Reviews
Feb 2, 2020 (09:04)

Was using another top sources Test E for 5 weeks did not feel any increase in aggression, sex drive, or strength, I immediately which to DP Test E 250 and diffently could feel a different. I finished the last 7 weeks on DP Test E 250. There was zero pip on the Test E 250 and had a hard time remember what spot I lasted pinned.

Aug 7, 2018 (13:08)

First time using this site and so far not so happy. Its been over a month since I placed my order. Waiting on this gear! Got me lookin like spongebob

Aug 12, 2017 (06:52)

I ordered 4 vials of Enantat 250. I've been cruising on this test for a little more than a month. It's a little stronger than the gear I was using previously. I had been running a cruise dose of 150 mg ( .5 ml) every 5 days. That works out to about 210 mg per week. I felt pretty normal on this dose, felt like a typical cruise dose. I got bloods done that showed this to be dosed at or above it's claimed mg/ml. I pinned 150mg one day early due to some traveling I was doing, so that it was only 4 days between 150mg pins. I did bloods the next day and saw over 2600 ng/dl of test... and elevated E2 as well. I've since dropped my dose down a little, shooting for a level around 1500 ng/dl. Good gear, no pip and a fair price.

May 17, 2017 (09:57)

I am on a Test E only cycle and this is my first cycle, dosing at 500mg per week. My weight right before my cycle was 88kg (194pounds) at around 12% body fat. In the first two weeks I noticed significant weight gain of 2.5kg. In weeks 3 to 4 I noticed an increase in strength with my bench moving from 135kg to 150kg. I am now into week 6 of the cycle and I have noticed a large increase in the pump intensity, vascularity, size, strength and endurance. In the six weeks I have put on 10 kg of weight operating at a calorific surplus (so some of it will be fat), and my strength has increased considerably.

Apr 30, 2017 (19:12)

Just placed my first order with this site... Will let you know results soon.

Mar 5, 2017 (07:11)

First pin of test e was a month back and starting to feel it kicking in now. My back and face are tell tale signs as acne is starting to show. Shows it's good stuff to me. Test e @ 600mg /wk 2 pins weekly

Feb 8, 2017 (02:21)

if i would buy some of the storied when will be arrive to my address

Jan 31, 2017 (18:52)

it very effective for bulking cycle, but needs to be injected at least 2x or 3x a week plus after 2 days post injection I could feel it deminishing, meaning I need to inject again

Jan 5, 2017 (13:47)

Price is for 1 vial (10 ml).

Jan 5, 2017 (13:44)

Hi, wondering if the price is for 1 vial or 2 vials as in the photo? Thanks

Oct 18, 2016 (10:31)

I gained 14 lbs in 6 weeks and had to alter my diet so as to not put too much on. My buddy gained 4lbs in 14 weeks.

Sep 14, 2016 (12:27)

Great product. I had a friend taking just 2 vials every week and just exploded! Anyways this is the only Test E I use great stuff!

Aug 23, 2016 (00:14)

When will test E be in stock again?

Jul 6, 2016 (06:51)

Test E will be in stock soon!

Jul 3, 2016 (04:31)

Hello, I'm wondering why majority of the products are out of stock and how long of a wait until it is available? Thanks

Jun 23, 2016 (13:35)

Dragon Pharma Test E is quality stuff! Currently 8 weeks in and have 4 to go, but I'm seeing great results already! Weight is up about 15 lbs and BF% down about 4-5%. Strength is way up and libido is high as ever! Pinning is smooth with little to no pip. I would recommend this gear to anyone asking about it!

Apr 29, 2015 (08:09)

Product is great, excellent condition and all positive results.

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