SP Sustanon
Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Active Substances:
- Testosterone Propionate 30 mg/mL
- Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mg/mL
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg/mL
- Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg/mL
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Unit: 10 mL Vial (250 mg/ml)
SP Sustanon Detailed
Common Names
SP Sustanon is also known as Sustanon 250, Sust, or Multi-Ester Testosterone.
Drug Description
SP Sustanon, a product of SP Laboratories, is a potent blend of four testosterone esters: Propionate, Isocaproate, Phenylpropionate, and Decanoate. This combination harnesses the benefits of both fast-acting and long-acting esters, providing immediate and sustained testosterone release. This makes SP Sustanon a favored choice among bodybuilders for its balanced and enduring effects.
SP Sustanon Composition
Each 1 mL of SP Sustanon contains:
- Testosterone Propionate: 30 mg/mL
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 60 mg/mL
- Testosterone Isocaproate: 60 mg/mL
- Testosterone Decanoate: 100 mg/mL
This comprehensive blend allows for a synergistic effect, maintaining stable blood levels of testosterone with less frequent injections.
Bodybuilding Benefits
SP Sustanon offers significant benefits for bodybuilding, including rapid increases in muscle mass, enhanced recovery times, and increased strength. Its diverse ester composition ensures quick initial testosterone boosts followed by extended release, ideal for bulking phases and maintaining muscle gains.
Therapeutic Indication
Medically, SP Sustanon is used to treat individuals suffering from conditions caused by low testosterone levels such as delayed puberty, impotence, and other hormonal imbalances. Its varied ester makeup helps mimic natural testosterone fluctuations, making it effective for hormone therapy.
Dosage (Men)
The recommended dosage for men typically ranges from 250 to 500 mg per week. Adjustments may be necessary based on individual response and cycle goals.
Dosage (Women)
Due to the strong androgenic properties of testosterone, SP Sustanon is generally not recommended for women as it can lead to virilization symptoms. If used, it should be under strict medical supervision and at significantly lower doses.
Active Life
The unique ester combination in SP Sustanon provides an active life of about 21 days, allowing for injections to be spaced approximately once a week to maintain optimal testosterone levels.
SP Sustanon Side Effects
Common side effects include acne, hair loss, body hair growth, and potential gynecomastia due to aromatization to estrogen. Like all steroids, it can also impact cholesterol levels, liver function, and blood pressure, and suppress natural testosterone production.
SP Sustanon Contraindications/Precautionary Measures
SP Sustanon should not be used by individuals with known or suspected prostate or breast cancer. Patients with severe hepatic, cardiac, or renal disease should exercise caution. Regular monitoring by a healthcare provider is essential to adjust doses and prevent complications.
Symptoms of overdose may include extreme hormonal imbalances and significant side effects. If overdose is suspected, prompt medical intervention is necessary.
SP Sustanon Stack/Cycle
A typical bulking cycle could include:
- SP Sustanon: 500 mg weekly for 12 weeks
- Dianabol: 30 mg daily for the first 6 weeks
- Arimidex: 0.5 mg every other day to control estrogen
This stack aims to maximize muscle mass gains and strength enhancement.
Package Presentation
SP Sustanon is packaged in a 10 mL vial, ensuring high standards of quality and sterility.
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct light. Keep the vial sealed until use and avoid extreme temperatures.
SP Sustanon by SP Laboratories offers an advanced testosterone therapy solution, blending multiple esters to optimize anabolic and androgenic benefits for athletes and patients with testosterone deficiencies.
SP Sustanon Referrers
- Wikipedia - Provides a comprehensive overview of Sustanon, detailing its composition, uses, and pharmacokinetics: Wikipedia - Sustanon
- MedlinePlus - While MedlinePlus does not have a specific page for Sustanon, it provides valuable information on testosterone therapies, including risks, benefits, and usage: MedlinePlus - Testosterone
- PubChem - Offers detailed chemical information on Testosterone and its esters, which are components of the Testosterone Mix like Sustanon: PubChem - Testosterone
- Steroids Reviews - An online platform where users can post their experiences and reviews about various steroids and pharmaceutical products, including SP Sustanon. This can be a helpful resource for potential users to learn from the experiences of others: Steroids Reviews - SP Sustanon
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